AGL Colored Diamond Identification and Grading

Training object
Jewelry store salesGem buyer
Gem lovers/collectors

Course content:
1. The history and culture of colored diamondsa. the definition of colored diamonds
b. the color of the diamond
c. Classification of diamonds
d. the cause of various colors of diamonds
2. Identification and grading of colored diamonds
a.color diamond color
b. Causes and treatment methods of colored diamonds
c.three elements of color
d.grading term
e. synthetic diamond
3. The value of colored diamonds
a.the value of color
b.the clarity of colored diamonds
c. Cut of colored diamonds
d. trade of colored diamonds
4. Market introduction of colored diamonds
a.color diamond price trend
b. color diamond auction record
c. Appreciation evaluation of colored diamond jewelry
Pass the course exam,participants can be awarded the Belgian “AGL Coloured Diamond Identifier and Grader “